Cost is $240 - Must be 15 years or older, seeking employment as a lifeguard or instructor with The Town of Aurora Community Pool.
Others than noted (non-residents/non-staff) above may register (cost is $290) if space allows. Please call 716-652-8866 if unsure if you qualify.
A physical fitness test is required before a candidate is able to take this class. You will be tested on the first day of class. A refund will be given to those who are unable to:
1) Jump into the water from the side, totally submerge, recover to the surface and swim 150 yards. Then maintain position at the surface of the water without support for 2 minutes by treading. Then swim 50 more yards. Goggles may be used for this.
2)Complete a timed event without goggles within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object, return to the surface,, and swim 20 yards on the back to the starting point, with both hands holding the object, keeping head above the water. Then exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
Please bring bathing suit, towel, and sweatshirt. Students will be in and out of the water.
Online sessions are to be completed prior to classes per instructor's request.
No Refunds