Town of Aurora Parks & Recreation, New York State
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Gentle Flow & Restore Yoga Register View Cart

Yoga Fundamentals
Join us and focus the hour on your health and wellness.  Class will start with breathwork and centering, followed by gentle Hatha yoga sequences.  We will end class with restorative poses focusing on a different area of the body each week.

WHEN:     Monday and Thursday evenings  10/7 - 11/7  6:30-7:30pm
  • Wear loose comfortable clothing that allows for movement and stretching.
  • Bring your mat and any props (Strap block blanket - a limited number will be available)
  • Bolsters will be provided
  • Class size is limited, so register early!
WHERE:   Rec classroom - 575 Oakwood Ave 2nd floor

WHO:  Ages 18+

SUPERVISOR:  Amy Sheehan

COST:  Resident $100.00  Non- Resident  $110.00


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Gentle Flow & Restore Yoga 
18y and up N/A MTh  10/07/2024 - 11/07/2024
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

575 Oakwood Ave (Recreation classroom upstairs)
$100.00 R, $110.00 NR
Wear Loose comfortable clothing that allows for movement and stretching. Bring a yoga mat or props, bolsters will be provided. Register Early!
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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