Town of Aurora Parks & Recreation, New York State
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Knox Soccer Fields


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Knox Soccer Fields

Facility Information

Knox Road
East Aurora, NY 14052

Status: Open
All requests must be made no less than 60 days in advance of event/use.

Knox Soccer/Polo Field
The Chur Equestrian Park, soccer and polo fields are owned by the State of New York and maintained and operated by the Town of Aurora Parks and Recreation Department.  Permits to hold a special event must be submitted to the Town Parks and Recreation Department for approval, 575 Oakwood, East Aurora at least 2 months before requested date of use. The park is 47 acres with soccer/polo fields and a pond that is stocked yearly with bass and minnows.

The application can be found below or on our home page under the forms tab and must be completed in full along with all fees, a map of the park highlighting the area / facilities of the park to be used, a signed Indemnification Agreement and a Certificate of Insurance naming the Town as an Additional Insured, as such:  Town of Aurora 575 Oakwood Avenue East Aurora, NY  14052. The required documents can be emailed to or delivered to 575 Oakwood Ave. East Aurora, NY 14052. Please call us at (716)652-8866 if you have any additional questions. 

The Town of Aurora Parks and Recreation Department will review the application and will forward each Park Use Application with recommendations to the Town Board for approval. The Town Board generally meets the second and fourth Monday of each month.                                                                                            
After the application has been approved by the Town Board, the Parks and Recreation Department will forward the permit to the Applicant, the Parks Department and the state if the main part of the park is being used.                             

If signs are to be used in the park or around town in conjunction with an event, the applicant should contact the Town Building Department at 652-7591 to comply with sign codes.
